All Covers Must Go – Biggest Clearance Event Ever!

Hi all – just wanted to let you guys in on the biggest sale The Book Cover Machine has ever held! I’m in the process of marking my website’s ENTIRE inventory of premade covers down to $25 each. All these covers are on my old hard drive collecting dust and must go. If they don’t sell at the discounted price within the next few weeks, they’ll be going in the trash bin so I don’t have to keep storing them on the off chance that someone will purchase one someday. I really need to prioritize and clear out space for other things! If you’ve had your eye on something, now is the time to get it before it’s gone for good  Not to mention, they’ll never be cheaper than this. Feel free to spread the word!

Hint – if you see a cover that you want but it hasn’t been marked down yet, shoot me a note at and I’ll mark it down for you!

Premium Premade Covers

The first half of this month, I was on vacation in Mexico! It was actually a delayed honeymoon (delayed by almost 2 years), because when we got married, my husband and I prioritized getting a house over having a big wedding or a honeymoon. Still think that was the right decision, but it was amazing to get away at last!

Upon returning, I’m more convinced than ever that the direction I’m taking The Book Cover Machine is the right decision for me (little to no custom work, fancier premades in fantasy genres that I truly love designing, more freedom in my schedule to choose what I want to create and when I want to create it…). This approach has renewed my inspiration! So I’ve been gleefully working on covers like these, just for the pleasure of the artwork:

They were both listed as ‘premium premade covers’ over at The Book Cover Machine’s Facebook page, but as you can see the first one is no longer available, as I decided to keep it for myself and use it as a spin-off to one of my existing mermaid books. I just couldn’t resist.

If you’re interested in the second cover (which I also wanted to keep, but don’t have a story for at the moment), it’s available for $200, and you can inquire by emailing me at

I should be adding more regular premade covers (the cheaper ones available for $49 or less) to the shop soon!

(If you did a double-take at the $200 price tag and had a small heart attack and wonder how the leap in price fits in, suffice it to say these ‘premium’ covers take a lot more time, thought, and attention to detail to create, and while I still very much want to offer covers that all my clients can afford, I have also learned the worth of my work. After 5 years in the industry, it’s nice to finally realize the only one who’s limiting me to eating Ramen for the rest of my life is myself, and the low prices I put on my own work 😛 )

The Weekly Machine

This week has been a doozy! But the best kind. I redesigned the blog, complete with a new banner, background, font style, and will be tweaking all the tabs and pages over the next couple days, because everything is SO outdated. Most notable of all, perhaps, is that I FINALLY designed a company logo, after 5 years in business. You would think anyone who’s been in business multiple years would have a logo…but ESPECIALLY SOMEONE WHOSE BUSINESS IS DESIGN… The irony is not lost on me. But I finally have one! Yay!

Next on the list of what I’m most excited about is the new direction I’m going with premade covers:

From the beginning, I have ALWAYS wanted to brand myself more with this type of artwork – more complex, detailed scenes in the vein of fantasy, because that’s what I really love and am passionate about, but as I got bogged down in custom work and requests I kind of never had time to make what I wanted, and really got burnt-out creatively as well. But now I’m being extremely picky about the custom projects I take on (and how often I take them on), and am focusing more on what I get inspired to create. You can expect a lot more covers like this! Although they do make more time, so they won’t get cranked out quite like the rest.

Due to the romance cover demand, and how quickly they seem to sell after I post them, I will be doing more of those as well. Here are a couple new ones from yesterday:

And here’s a look at the latest custom cover, which exemplifies the type of project I’m most willing to take on these days, very fantasy-esque:

Last but not least, I want to invite everyone to come hang out over at my Facebook page: Come Hang Out with Me! You get a much more ‘live’ experience over there, can participate in ‘flash’ sales, peruse clearance covers, chat with yours truly, etc. Hope to see you around!

This Week from the Machine

Things have been busy this week for the Machine. We’ve cranked out some premade covers:

…Completed a couple custom covers:

…Sold a couple premade covers:

…And as usual, in the process of all this came up with more new book ideas on the writing front than I know what to do with.

Happy writing and cover shopping!

New Computer = New Premade Covers!

One of the reasons I slowed down on adding premades to the shop over the last year was because of my poor, ancient, ailing computer. It was getting so slow that all I could manage was the work I was absolutely required to do. When it takes ten minutes to open a file, another 5 minutes to change one thing, another five minutes to save the file, and then maybe a computer crash and a restart to then email said file to a client, which takes another 20 minutes… Well, you get the picture. It was maddening. But then my husband spilled cherry coke all over my keyboard, and then a few days later my cat threw up all over the keyboard, and that was just it, and I finally had little choice but to bite the bullet and spring for a new machine!

So I’m back in business. Still not doing much with custom work because of other life commitments, but I’m loving getting back in the premade game. Here are a couple from the past few days:

Visit the shop here!

New Covers and Upcoming UNBEATABLE Promos

Hi, All! I know I’m essentially absent on the blog these days, and to be honest it’s because I’m far less involved in the book cover business than I used to be (thanks to some other ventures and life events). However, we do still sell premade covers over at for great prices, and I wanted to give you all a heads up that there are going to be some AMAZING opportunities coming your way for snatching up 70-90% off covers, and EVEN SOME OPPORTUNITIES FOR FREE ONES. These will be unfolding over the next couple months, and the exact promos going on will probably change month-to-month all the way into the end of the year and possibly beginning of next, so keep your eyes peeled, spread the word, and take advantage! I am practically going to be giving these away right and left, so be sure not to miss out on the details.

In the meantime, here’s a quick preview of one of the latest covers added to the shop! Kinda makes me want to write another book myself…